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Robert Harris coffee lovers drink their way through more than one million bags of coffee every year.
So, it made sense that packaging was first on our sustainability must-do list.

After a whole lot of research, we decided recyclable soft plastic was our best option, at least in the short to medium term. Our new bags are thin and lightweight, which means we can minimize packaging – but still retain optimum coffee freshness.

Step 1.
Easy... enjoy our delicious coffee!

Step 2.
Now, clean your bag. Give it a quick rinse, then turn inside out to dry.

Step 3.
Pop your bag in a Soft Plastics Recycling bin near you. Done!

How do I recycle my
Robert Harris bags?

Click below for all Soft Plastic Recycling collection locations:

Ok, where are these bins?

You’ll find Soft Plastics Recycling bins in selected locations across Auckland, Northland Waikato and Wellington (coming to the South Island in 2021). 

Countdown and The Warehouse offer the most collection venues. 

We’re also trialling a bin at Robert Harris Westgate.

Tell me about the Soft Plastics Recycling Scheme.

First of all, it’s brilliant. The people behind Soft Plastics Recycling are super-passionate about reducing landfill and promoting packaging recycling.

They offer NZ’s only service for repurposing everyday soft plastics, like coffee bags, bread bags, confectionery wrapping and more. In fact, pretty much any plastic that can be scrunched into a ball can be recycled. The scheme is funded by partner members, including retailers and suppliers (like us).

What happens to the packaging?

Once collected, the packaging is sent to specialist recyclers here in New Zealand. Long story short, your soft plastics are repurposed into new and wonderful products. Soft Plastics Recycling is currently working with two very clever Kiwi businesses. Between them, they turn unwanted packaging into things like fence posts for farms, floor tiles, heavy-duty buckets, garden products and even water slides!

Check out their websites and support them if you can. They deserve it!



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